Digital Supports for Students

Digital Skills for Learners

A selection of How-To videos are available in ClickView. Please Click/Tap on the following links, which will take you to a playlist of videos for each topic.

  1. Getting Started with your iPad 
  2. Personalising your iPad to support your learning 
  3. Creating and Editing Photos on your iPad 
  4. Creating and Editing Movies on your iPad 
  5. Workflow and your iPad 
  6. Class Notebook on your iPad
  7. ClickView on your iPad

This video will guide you through accessing M365 from a web browser.


Check out our Tynie DigiTips on the Student Bulletin Team. You will find top tops for creative learning in some of the apps available to you on your iPad.

Edinburgh Learns Digital

A wealth of support, Digital Skills and information can be found on the Edinburgh Learns Digital Website.

Accessibility – Vital for some, Valuable for all.

Did you know that technology companies provide integrated accessibility features on a website, mobile application or electronic document which can be easily navigated and understood by a wide range of users.

This playlist of videos allows you to personalise your iPad using Accessibility features built into the iPad. Vital for some, but valuable for all learners.

Also check out the DigiTips on iPad Personalisation in your Student Bulletin Team.

Digital Health & Wellbeing

At Tynecastle digital technologies and the internet are powerful tools which open up new and exciting opportunities to enhance Learning and Teaching. We work with all of our staff, young people and families to encourage the responsible use of ICT throughout the curriculum and follow the CEC Responsible Use Agreement and agreed policies to minimise potential online safety risks.

Our young people are encouraged and supported throughout their learning to:

• use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
• recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
• identify a range of ways to report concerns or seek help about content

Here you can find a selection of recommended websites that provide up to date guidance and support materials for students related to Cyber Resilience and internet Safety. Click the buttons to visit websites and access support.

Using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly

Reporting concerns and seeking help

SWGfL Report Harmful Content