Krysia Smyth
Donald Revolta
Dougie Paterson (Technician)
S1/2 BGE Craft Design and Technology
S3/4 Nat 4/5: Design and Manufacture and Graphic Communication.
S4-6 Nat 4/5: Practical Craft Skills Woodwork and Engineering skills Metalwork.
S5/6 Higher; Design and Manufacture and Graphic Communication
Craft & Design Qualifications Summarised by National Parent Forum of Scotland…
National 4 Design and Manufacture and National 5 Design and Manufacture
National 4 Graphic Communication and Nation 5 Graphic Communication
National 4 Practical Woodworking and National 5 Practical Woodworking
National 4 Practical Metalworking and National 5 Practical Metalworking
Higher Design and Manufacture
Higher Graphic Communication
To make pupils aware of the practical nature of the world around them, and of the technological and constructional design which makes their daily existence possible. In the process of doing this, they will be taught to recognise different types of tools, materials and processes, and how to communicate ideas to others using graphics.
Further to this, acquisition of practical skills, safe working practices, and how to set about solving design problems with confidence and pride in their own ability to create a product of lasting value.
Have a look at our CDT gallery below
In a world of “home ownership”, “Do It Yourself” and “Environmental Concern” the knowledge and skills acquired in CDT will be of use in everyday life as well as a sound basis for a technologically orientated career in engineering, building and product design.
The Department now uses GLOW to provide access to some S1/2 Homework as well as coursework, homework information sheets and past papers for S3/4 Graphic Communication and Craft & Design courses.
Major Achievements
Consistently high grades achieved in both Nat 4/5 Design and Manufacture and Graphic Communication. Special mention in HMI report for above average attainment in Craft & Design over a three year period. 100% pass rate in Woodworking Skills at Intermediate 2 over the last 5 years, with most students attaining level A.
Department consists of two multi-purpose craft rooms. Two Graphic Communication / computer rooms.
Extra Curricular Activities
Second year Construction Challenge. Lunch break internet / study club.