Laura Barnett (Curriculum Leader)
Rachel Alexander
Emily Bowerman
Shirley Falconer
Michael Hughes
Jamie Thom
Katie Craig
S1-3: Curriculum for Excellence
S4-6: National 3, National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher as appropriate, Higher Media and N4, N5 and Higher ESOL.
English Qualifications Summarised by National Parent Forum of Scotland…
National 4 English
National 5 English
Higher English
Our aim is for students to gain an appreciation of literature and develop effective skills in reading, writing, listening and talking. We strive to ensure all students achieve their maximum potential and have the literacy skills they need to enable success in whichever area their talents may lie.
Major Achievements
The vast majority of our students gain an English qualification and our results have improved consistently. A number of our students go on to study English at university level.
We are well resourced in terms of traditional texts and we constantly update our stock to reflect student interest and course changes. Our bank of literacy resources, such as SRA reading programme boxes, is extensive and helps support and challenge S1-3 students at all levels. SmartBoards, iPads and netbooks are used extensively across the department. We are also fortunate to have a well-stocked school library and enthusiastic and knowledgeable librarian.
S1-3: our S1-3 course allows students to experience a wide range of literature and develop their skills in reading, writing, talking and listening. Our course ensures students cover all the Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes and provides appropriate levels of pace and challenge for all learners.
S4-6: depending on individual needs and prior attainment students can study at any level from National 3 and 4 to National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher.
Extracurricular Activities
We are a fully committed department in terms of extracurricular activities and students have regular opportunities to engage in the following:
•Theatre trips
•Book festival outings
•Film club
•Debating competitions
•Study groups, lunchtime and after school
•Revision classes
•Creative writing club
•Media club