Tynecastle High School follows the Scottish Government’s Curriculum for Excellence which aims to ensure that everyone develops the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need for life, learning and work. The curriculum is all the experiences that are planned for learners to support the development of these skills.
The aim of Curriculum for Excellence is to provide a curriculum which:
- ensures that all learners have the opportunity to acquire the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence through a variety of learning contexts
- ensures that all learners have the opportunity to experience the 4 contexts of the curriculum
- gives young people an understanding of Scotland and its place in the world
- prepares young people for the challenges and issues that face today’s world to enable them to take their place in a modern society and economy
- prepares young people for positive destinations post school
Curriculum for Excellence entitles all young people to:
- a coherent curriculum from 3-18, including a broad general education up to the end of S3
- opportunities to develop skills for learning, for life and for work with a continued focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing
- opportunities to achieve to the highest levels they can through appropriate personal support and challenge
- a senior phase which provides opportunities for study for qualifications and other planned opportunities for developing the four capacities
- opportunities to move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school
To find out more about Curriculum for Excellence please click here.