S3 – S6 students will use their iPad to follow their normal timetable (with a couple of changes for core subjects). There will be a mixture of independent learning and live learning when staff will be on Microsoft Teams, where possible, at the same time as their class to provide teaching and support. This may be answering questions through the chat function, screen sharing, starting off a task or live teaching.
Where this is not possible due to lack of childcare, supervising in our Hub or teaching the practical classes in school, then we will have a common slide/message to share with classes. Students will still be provided with their work for this time and their teacher will arrange feedback as appropriate. Teachers will record any live input so that students who are unwell or unavailable can access the lesson later.
Microsoft Teams
Study Skills
When studying it is important that you employ a range of study skills to ensure you spend your time effectively.
The following sites have some good advice:
Tynecastle High School Study Skills Advice https://tynecastlehighschool.org.uk/school-information/learning/study-skills/
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb7j382
SQA Past Papers
An excellent source of practice for studying at any time, the SQA has a range of past papers from previous years freely accessible on their website. You should also make use of the Marking Instructions to help you understand what is being looked for in your answers.
Revision Materials
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Free online study support resource to help with revision.
Go to the Secondary menu and choose the appropriate level from the Scotland list.
SCHOLAR https://scholar.hw.ac.uk/
Many online courses at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher levels.
To access SCHOLAR materials you will need your SCHOLAR username and password.
Collins Learning https://collins.co.uk/pages/scottish-curriculum-free-resources
Free resources and downloadable answers from HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.
Planning your Next Step
Plan It Plus https://www.planitplus.net/
Information and advice on Careers so you can plan your best next step of subjects and levels.