Information about Upcoming Adult Disability Payment

Adult Disability Payment replaces Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for the people of Scotland this year.

It will be introduced in pilot stages in different local authorities, starting from 21 March.

People will be able to apply if they:

are between 16 years old and state pension age

need help with the extra costs of being disabled or having a long term health condition

do not already get PIP or DLA

People who get PIP will have their award automatically transferred to Adult Disability Payment. This process will start from summer 2022.

Find out more:

Adult Disability Payment. 
Helping with the extra costs of living with a disability or long term-health condition

See the full newsletter on this from Social Security Scotland here: Social Security Scotland Newsletter: Adult Disability Payment

SQA Study Support Materials

Our colleagues over at Drummond Community High School have taken the time to collect all the links to the recent Study Support Materials published by the SQA and collected these into two documents; one for N5, and one for Higher.

We hope this will help our students find these resources more easily:

National 5 Study Guide

Higher Study Guide