Scottish Apprenticeships from a Parent’s Point of View webinar (6th March)

SDS will be hosting a free webinar in partnership with National Parent Forum of Scotland during Scottish Apprenticeship Week on Scottish Apprenticeships from a Parent’s Point of View.

The webinar and registration will be available via Teams Webinar. 

More information about the event, including registration, is available here:

S5 and S6 Foundation Apprenticeships – a session for parents and carers

Thursday 22 February 6.30pm – 7.30pm

Are you a parent or carer supporting a child to make their senior phase option choices?

Join our webinar in partnership with National Parent Forum Scotland to learn more about how your child can get a head-start on their career with a Foundation Apprenticeship. 

  • Find out how Foundation Apprenticeships work and where they can lead to – from a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship to college, university, or employment.
  • Hear parent and teacher perspectives of the benefits of Foundation Apprenticeships as they share their own experiences and advice.
  • Get information on support available and how to apply for a Foundation Apprenticeship.

To support accessibility, this webinar will be recorded and British Sign Language translation available.

Find out more and sign up for the webinar here: