Exam Leave & Meaningful May Programme

Exam Leave

Exam leave begins on Thursday 20th April.  Students in S5 and S6 and any S4 Student sitting more than three SQA exams have full study leave.

Students in S4 sitting less than four SQA examinations are entitled to 3 days study leave before their exam.

Meaningful May: S4 Programme

When S4 students who are sitting less than 4 SQA Examinations are not on study leave, they should follow our Meaningful May programme. Click/Tap here for timetables & further details.

S4-S6 e-Sgoil Easter Study Support 2023

Students & Parents/Carers will have received an email containing their Glow username & passwords. This will allow students to access the fantastic e-Sgoil Study Support Resources & Webinars running through the Easter Break.

Students are encouraged to sign up and attend the online webinars. To do so, students must access e-Sgoil via Glow on a different browser eg on via Edge on Student iPads or via another browser on a home computer or device. Glow cannot be accessed while students are signed into their school Microsoft 365 account in the same browser.

Click/Tap on the tutorial below or the download button if accessing on an iPad/mobile device. This will guide you through signing into Glow via Edge, accessing the Glow Home Page, Navigating the e-Sgoil resources and signing up to the Easter Study Support Webinars. Click/Tap on the links in the contents page to take you to the relevant section.

Students will be logging into Glow & accessing the resources in PSE over the next few weeks with support from their teachers.