Students & Parents/Carers will have received an email containing their Glow username & passwords. This will allow students to access the fantastic e-Sgoil Study Support Resources & Webinars running through the Easter Break.
Students are encouraged to sign up and attend the online webinars. To do so, students must access e-Sgoil via Glow on a different browser eg on via Edge on Student iPads or via another browser on a home computer or device. Glow cannot be accessed while students are signed into their school Microsoft 365 account in the same browser.
Click/Tap on the tutorial below or the download button if accessing on an iPad/mobile device. This will guide you through signing into Glow via Edge, accessing the Glow Home Page, Navigating the e-Sgoil resources and signing up to the Easter Study Support Webinars. Click/Tap on the links in the contents page to take you to the relevant section.
Students will be logging into Glow & accessing the resources in PSE over the next few weeks with support from their teachers.