S4-S6 e-Sgoil Easter Study Support 2023

Students & Parents/Carers will have received an email containing their Glow username & passwords. This will allow students to access the fantastic e-Sgoil Study Support Resources & Webinars running through the Easter Break.

Students are encouraged to sign up and attend the online webinars. To do so, students must access e-Sgoil via Glow on a different browser eg on via Edge on Student iPads or via another browser on a home computer or device. Glow cannot be accessed while students are signed into their school Microsoft 365 account in the same browser.

Click/Tap on the tutorial below or the download button if accessing on an iPad/mobile device. This will guide you through signing into Glow via Edge, accessing the Glow Home Page, Navigating the e-Sgoil resources and signing up to the Easter Study Support Webinars. Click/Tap on the links in the contents page to take you to the relevant section.

Students will be logging into Glow & accessing the resources in PSE over the next few weeks with support from their teachers.

Parent & Carer Survey 2022-23

We are gathering views from our school community to help us identify priorities for improvement next session.   

You may have already taken part in our survey for parents and carers at the S2 and S4-6 consultation evenings in January and February this year so thank you for doing that.

We would like to encourage as many parents and carers to complete the questionnaire as possible as your feedback is very helpful and important to us.

Pupils will have an opportunity through PSE lessons later this term.
To take part please click here.  The survey takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. Thank you.

Recommended Presentation Levels for S456

Please be aware that an email was sent to students and parent/carers on Tuesday 28 February. This contained the recommendations for presentation levels for the session 2022-23.

If a response is required, the deadline is Sunday 5 March.

After the 5 March, a further email will be sent with confirmation of the presentation levels.