Dear all,
Well, we made it! In times of crisis, bite sized pieces of time seem manageable and our first target was today and the start of the Easter Holidays. And what an emotional end to this bite sized piece, with our pipers and drummers making us proud last night at 8 o’clock. But it is not just them that we need to be proud of. I am proud of all our young people for what they have achieved; their resilience, their work ethic, and their sheer determination. I am proud of our staff who so deserved to be included in last nights’ thanks; for their determination to ensure that our young people have the best possible learning experience despite the the awful situation we find ourselves in, and for their selfless commitment to ensuring that we achieve the best possible outcome for all our senior phase students unable to sit exams. And I am so proud of our parents and carers who have trusted us, worked with us, and tried their very best to ensure that their children’s education has continued.
We all know people who are dealing with really difficult circumstances whether that be to do with their health, their finances or other pressures that they are dealing with. As a community we can hopefully alleviate some of these pressures. By supporting each other, by being a school community that genuinely cares, we can help each other and also hopefully have a well earned rest, returning after the holidays with even greater resolve to ensure that we continue to do the very best we can.
Whatever your circumstances, I hope that you all have a chance to switch off and relax, to take care, to stay connected but most importantly to stay safe.
Ms Kinnear