Consultation on Free Bus Travel for People Under the Age of 19 Living in Scotland

The Scottish Government is consulting on Free Bus Travel for Under 19s and intends to launch a new statutory national concessionary travel scheme for young people living in Scotland up to their 19th birthday.

It is anticipated that legislation would be go to the Scottish Parliament in early 2021 and come into effect later in the year.

The consultation period ends on 7th December 2020 and more information on the proposals can be found here:—final-consultation-pdf-version—23-october-2020.pdf

You can take part in the online consultation here:

If you are unable to respond using their consultation hub, please complete the Respondent Information Form and return to via e-mail to

The form can also be downloaded, printed in pdf format and completed in writing and mailed to:

Under 19 Consultation Bus, Accessibility and Active Travel, Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, Glasgow.