Like many other schools in Edinburgh and around the country, we expect to request quite a large number of Appeals on behalf of our students. Please be aware that final decisions in regard to submission of Appeal requests are taken by Headteachers.
If you would like to request that consideration is given to requesting an appeal on your behalf (looking either for a fail to become a pass, or for a result to be upgraded, for example from a B to an A), please in the first instance contact the Curricular Leader of the subject in question. Curricular Leaders will work with Mrs Bell, SQA Coordinator, to consider requests for appeals, which may only be made if:
- Resulted grades are lower than the estimates which were submitted to SQA in May and
- There is available sufficient good quality evidence to demonstrate student ability in the subject in question.
Please be assured that, as ever, we will do everything we can to support our students.