Thank you to Pax & Iris Ltd

We are hugely excited and delighted to be able to share with you the news that Pax & Iris Ltd, a local business has made a significant donation to Tynecastle High School for the purchase of 50 iPads. A huge thank you to Pax & Iris for partnering with us in our vision to provide 1:1 learning for all students at Tynecastle High School.

Pamela Scott, the founder and CEO, said “…as a local business owner I want more for our next generation. I don’t want them to have to ‘make do’ – especially at the moment in lockdown. I want them to have what they need to learn, to reach their full potential and for them to make as big an impact on the world as they possibly can! So, if my donation of iPads can help, even in a small way, the young people of Gorgie to learn more, connect more, grow in confidence and have an easier time, then I am delighted!”

You can follow Pax & Iris Ltd on twitter @IrisPax