Tynecastle High School Uniform

Please note that with the warmer summer term weather we fully expect all students to be in uniform at all times. We will be returning to the exceptionally high standards of dress code which we have grown to expect here at THS.

Click/Tap here to see our school uniform.

Your support with this is hugely appreciated and please do remember that Mrs Yvonne McGregor, our PSO, can be contacted for support yvonne.mcgregor@tynecastle.edin.sch.uk  A warm jumper or coat will continue to be permissible on colder days, but we do hope that these days will be few and far between.

H Kinnear

Tynecastle High School Uniform

At Tynecastle we feel very proud of our traditional, smart school uniform. We place great importance on school uniform to create a sense of belonging and raise self-esteem. All uniform items, except ties, can be purchased from any retailer.

Digital Learning and Teaching Award Winners 2018
Scottish Education Award

The vast majority of parents, carers, students and staff are in favour of having school uniform because:

  • it promotes a good image of our students
  • it creates a school identity
  • it helps improve school security

This policy complies with the Equality Act 2010 and protection of all learners under the following protected characteristics: age, disability, race, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, sex, religion/belief,  marriage/civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity.

The uniform policy is gender neutral and learners can wear uniform that aligns with their gender expression as long as it meets the school guidelines.

Our School Uniform is:

All students should bring a school bag with all their necessary equipment including their iPad and PE kit

  • Tynecastle hoodie or zoodie can be ordered/purchased here. Please click/tap here for current offers.
  • A school tie can be purchased at the school office costing £5

Please note:

  • outdoor garments must be removed in classrooms
  • belts must be plain black or white: fashion belts are not allowed
  • hats are not to be worn in the classroom
  • any jewellery must be minimal and in line with our Health & Safety Policy

Request Uniform

Parents/carers and students can request free brand new uniform items. Uniform is available to all students.

Please click/tap the request button to choose the uniform items needed. Mrs McGregor will be in touch once your uniform is ready for collection.

Financial Support.

Uniform Grants are available for families on low incomes. Local organisations can also provide support with uniform. Please contact Yvonne McGregor our Pupil Support Office & Family Liaison at Tynecastle. You can email Yvonne at yvonne.mcgregor@tynecastle.edin.sch.uk or contact Yvonne via the school office on 0131 337 3488. Click/tap here for more information and to see the supports available and how/what you need to apply.

Washing of Uniform

Due to high rise of energy prices, at Tynecastle we can wash uniform. Please contact our Pupil Support Officer who will be able to assist with this request. You can email Yvonne at yvonne.mcgregor@tynecastle.edin.sch.uk or contact Yvonne via the school office on 0131 337 3488.