Back to School Tip #7: Make a Difference
Small things can make a difference
Your Child: Discuss with your child what they did to make a difference to someone in your community or your environment over the past few months. Like displaying a rainbow, shopping for a grandparent or cutting the grass for a neighbour.
Acknowledge the small things – for example notice your child when they help a sibling, put litter in the bin, help around the home.
You: Talk about who or what made a difference to you or your family during lockdown.
This could be something that seems small, like someone calling when you needed cheering up. Consider how you made a difference and what else you’d like to do.
Together: By each of us washing our hands, wearing a mask and keeping a distance we help protect others.
For more information about going Back to School and supporting your own and your child’s wellbeing visit
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